Used with permission
Bring on the Villains of Marvel Comics were written by:

Jeanne Burch, Editor and Site Designer. I have a B.A.S. from University of California at Davis, with majors in Biology and English. I used to be very involved in comics and collecting (maybe you could tell that), but I'm feeling much better these days. However, if you have nothing more important to do, you can glance over "Coffee Will Kill Ya," my DareDevil-related fan fic. Other comic book related sites I designed include The Women of Marvel Comics and The Attack of the Second Stringers. The Villains site (that's where you are now) has been finished and remains on-line as a reference for those interested in the history of Marvel Comics. Thanks to all my contributors. Hey, here are some of them now!

Sean McQuaid is a playwright, journalist and editor from PEI, Canada, currently completing a Masters degree in English and Creative Writing at the University of Windsor. His favorite comic book subjects include Golden Age comics of all kinds, the Justice Society, the Legion of Super Heroes, the Justice League, Sandman, Starman, the Defenders, the Avengers (pre-Liefeld), and far too many other things to mention here. He is a recurring contributor to various web sites, including the Avengers Assemble page.

Christopher Lawrence III: I am a twenty-five year old Clemson University alumnus who resides in South Carolina. Although I work on The Incredible Hulk site in my spare time, I make my living developing Windows applications. Anyway, I have always been a big Hulk fan ever since I religiously watched the Incredible Hulk TV series as a kid.

Kirk Furlotte:z: someone who hates writing these little bio-thingies. :) He does have a homepage, Is this a page? as well as being the creator of Department H; a page dedicated to Alpha Flight.

Keith R.A. DeCandido was born in a tiny fishing village in Cuba, where he was kidnapped by a roving band of gypsy librarians and taken to the Bronx, where they trained him in their vile and depraved ways. Inevitably, he grew up to pursue a career in books. He is the Science Fiction Editor for Byron Preiss Multimedia Company -- for whom he edits the novels based on Marvel's super heroes that have been coming out from Boulevard Books and BPMC since 1994 -- and also a writer and anthologist. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about Keith (but were afraid to ask) by going to his web page.

Ray Schaff has actually spent much of his life in Saugerties, NY although he wisely resided out of town during the Woodstock '94 festival. He would like to point out that despite what you read in the early 1990s issues of New Warriors, Saugerties does not have its own high-tech hospital, nor is it within decent motorcycle-driving distance from the Columbia University. Nitpicking aside, you can search for some of Ray's other work at the Gargoyles Fan Website (including a list of spells used on this rather fascinating 'toon). He just might be planning to express his interest, views, etc., of various comics and such on the web, so watch the skies!

Ben Herman is, as of this writing, a fourth year literature and communications major at Pace University in Pleasantville, NY. In addition to spending way too much time and money on comic books, Ben is also the program director at WRPW, Pace's student-run radio station. He is an aspiring writer who hopes to one day see something he has written appear in print. Finally, Ben would like to let everyone know that he finds it very odd writing in the third person like this.

Other contributors to the Villains of Marvel Comics: Bobby Coakley, Jonathan Couper, Brandon Downard, Chris Ledbetter, Ryan Lynch, Riiki Tiki Tavi, Aaron (Tornado) Thall, and Greg Tobin.

This really comes under the shouldn't-have-to-be-said department, but there have been some problems with this, so just bear with me: while I don't mind if the images on this site are reproduced elsewhere, the written material may not be reproduced on other sites. The written material on this site is copyrighted by the Villains of Marvel Comics and by the individual authors. In any case, my mom the lawyer says all Web-published material, even posts by individuals in newsgroups, carries an implicit copyright and technically can't be reproduced without permission. Thanks!

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