U.S. WAR MACHINE vol. 2 #6
(December 2001) "Book 1: Chapter 6." Story: Chuck Austen. Art: Chuck Austen, Wild and Wooly Press and NIC Entertainment. Layout: Victor Lopez.
The US War Machine Team is en route to their first destination -- an AIM stronghold! Austen pours it on thick with race dialogue -- and depending on one's point of view, it'll either make sense...or nonsense! But just in the nick -- it's drop time! The team descends on the AIM base! The CG armored action is top-notch, enhanced by the CG sound effects. It quickly becomes a chaotic combat situation -- and the issue ends with a mystery: the dude Rhodey axed in issue #1 turns back up alive!
Hube's Recomm.: USWM patches!
TJ's Response: Weird black-out on Page 3 panel 3 cannot be ignored. Makes one wonder what is covered-up in that spot. The racial discussions are well-done, if for only the fact that they are very realistic to arguments that have been heard from all sides in the past. And then, there comes, the design flaw! Brilliant stuff!
TJ's Recommendation: 4 USWM patches!