TOS #40 "Iron Man Versus Gargantus!"
Script: Stan Lee and Robert Bernstein
Art: Jack Kirby and Don Heck and Duffi
Tony Stark is in Geneva receiving the Medal of Honor as a renowned scientist. Back home, Stark develops super charged skates for the military to allow them to travel at 60 mph. Tony is next sweeping women off their feet until he becomes physically tired, leaves the party to recharge his iron chest plate. As Iron Man, he defeats bad guys and evil scientists and out of control circus animals. Iron Man flies and uses an electric current to zap the animals attacking him. He noticed that his grey armor frightens people, and his date recommends that Iron Man wear gold as a shining knight. Tony paints his collapsible armor a golden yellow. Iron Man heads to a mysterious wall surrounding a city. He uses his transistors to amplify a drill and drills underneath the wall to get into the city. He discovers a robot Gargantus whom he fights and destroys. It was created to control the population by aliens, who were frightened off by Iron Man!
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