TOS #64 "Hawkeye and the New Black Widow Strike Again!"
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Don Heck and Chic Stone and Sam Rosen
Tony Stark works in his lab on his Iron Man helmet. A costumed woman climbs up the side of a building and crashes through the window where Hawkeye has just created his acid arrow that eats through steel pipes. He is startled until she speaks. It is Natasha, the new costumed Black Widow. She relates the story of her going back to Russia and being forced with her parents threatened to be trained and given a new costume the replicate her namesake. She was given a wrist device that shoots nylon lines for her to swing upon and ordered to go back and attack Iron Man. They capture Happy and Pepper by blinding them with a flash arrow and crashing their car. They are taken hostage calling Iron Man to come get them. It's a trap, but Tony Stark shows up to trade defense designs for the hostages. Vladimir is ordered to take Tony aside and examine the designs. Stark drops a tiny smoke bomb while no one sees him change to Iron Man from his attaché case. Iron Man bends the armor piercing rifles and dispatches the Communist Russians and heads outside. Hawkeye attacks with a sonic arrow that spins and deafens Iron Man until he grabs it and sends a shock along the railway where Hawkeye stands. Both dazed, Black Widow sends a rail car to finish off Iron Man and Happy and Pepper. Iron Man lifts the rails to stop the car. And, Hawkeye fires his acid arrows that begin to eat away at Iron Man's armor as Black Widow fires at Iron Man also. Iron Man knocks down a brick wall to keep the bricks between the two. Then, swoops down on the Black Widow and takes her rifle away. Hawkeye shoots another arrow, but Iron Man puts on his burrowing device and goes underground and blasts Black Widow. Hawkeye is so worried about her that he breaks off his attack to get her out of there. Pepper is glad to see Tony Stark and Happy looks on with a broken heart.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available