TOS #69 "If I Must Die, Let It Be With Honor!"
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Don Heck and Vince Colletta and Sam Rosen
Iron Man without his helmet works to invent his Reverser. He grows tired, forgetting to recharge. At the last minute, he plugs in to save his heart from dying. Tony offers to let Happy and Pepper have the Limousine for later in the evening for a party if they work a little now. Meanwhile in Communist U.S.S.R. Boris Bullski is transferred to the new camp where they keep captured scientists. Bullski is huge and strong who is rigid and everyone fears him. He dreams of Dictatorship but is stuck in this camp. He gathers all the top scientists to create a project for him, so he will be noticed. They create a Titanium large armored suit while Bullski watches all of the footage of Iron Man in action. Boris puts on the Titanium Man armor and challenges Iron Man to a fight and publishes in all the papers around the world. Tony works on a solution for his recently faulty chest piece. He thinks of a solution and creates it. Now Iron Man can fight. The fight will be in Alberia, a neutral nation in Europe. The Countess De La Spiroza shows up. Tony brings Happy and Pepper for support. The next morning Iron Man and Titanium Man meet with a rules committee whom each country has agree to. The Titanium Man is head and shoulders bigger than Iron Man. Titanium Man fires electric blasts from his gauntlet as Iron Man dodges and flies with a counter attack, repulsor rays. Titanium Man shrugs off the attack and grabs Iron Man with magnetic force begins to crush him, then Iron Man uses his jets and flips the Titanium Man. Iron Man is chased into a mine field that suddenly explodes. What will happen?
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