TOS #77 "Ultimo Lives!"
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Adam Austin and Gary Michaels and Sam Rosen
The Mandarin unleashes Ultimo while Tony Stark stands before him with his attaché case in the moat below. Tony stalls for time by asking who Ultimo is, and Mandarin explains he created this giant android in a volcano. He unfortunately created him with too much power pulling from all the circuits. Mandarin had to retreat to his castle to control the android. While Mandarin is distracted by the coming Ultimo, Tony Stark backs up toward the exit. Mandarin blasts him with his power ring who would decimate most, but Tony's chest piece acts an a shock absorber as he is blasted out of the room and down the stairs. Tony jumps into the moat to retrieve his armor in his briefcase. Ultimo attacks the Red army outside the castle of the Mandarin. He fires blasts from his eyes and uproots entire cliffs. Iron Man barely avoids his disintegrator beams from Ultimo's eyes. Meanwhile, Senator Byrd holds tony Stark in contempt of Congress and cancels his government contracts putting Stark Industries out of business until Tony complies.
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