TOS #82 "By Force of Arms!"
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Gene Colan and Frank Giacoia and Artie Simek and Irving Forbush
Iron Man defends himself against the newly improved Titanium Man, his armor is bigger, stronger, and more maneuverable. Titanium Man boasts also receiving hormones to enlarge his body to control the armor better. They fight right above the capital in Washington, D.C. Titanium Man captures Iron Man and uses his eyebeams to heat up IM's helmet. Iron Man uses his knees/jet boots to get leverage to blast an escape. With Titanium Man's improved speed, it seems capture is only immanent. But, Iron Man pulls out a new concept with a test tube, he throws at the oncoming Titanium Man. It is a test tube of Freon, that instantly freezes the large armor. He begins to fall, then TM bursts out of the solid block of ice. Iron Man begins to draw them away from the Capital. Then, on the outskirts of town, IM blasts TM with repulsor rays, but the new element in the TM's armor causes the rays to bounce off and ricochet back at Iron Man. Iron Man is forced to the ground, clogging his boot jets. He rotates his ear discs and suddenly his roller wheels emerge. With these, IM is able to slip by Titanium Man. Iron Man evades until hit by a paralyzing ray. The crowd comes to see how the fight progresses, Pepper reaches out. Iron Man reaches his hip pod and pulls a live wire shorting out the ray and is freed. Titanium Man then paralyzes Pepper Potts and demands Iron Man's surrender.
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