TOS #88 "Beyond All Rescue!"
Script: Stan Lee and Gene Colan
Art: Gene Colan and Frank Giacoia and Artie Simek
Iron Man emerges and sees Pepper Potts who disobeyed orders to evacuate. The Mole Man's millions of brainless minions, the Subterraneans, moloid type creatures who are slaves to attack Iron Man. Mole Man intends on using the atomic earth digger to get access to the surface world and destroy it. The Mole Man fires a beam at Iron Man, and while he survives, not sure he could withstand another attack. Mole Man fires again and Iron Man side steps it causing a rock slide that Iron Man uses to his advantage to separate Pepper and himself from the Mole Man and his minions. Iron Man knows the military will come after the factory and radios them to stop due to the Mole Man and his own army. Then, a dragon bores through the wall. A mechanical one that Iron Man has to confront with his repulsor rays. But, it has jammed. He gets Pepper behind boulders as fire reigns down, then gets his repulsors to work and puts out the flame. Iron Man throws an explosive pellet and as it explodes shorts out the creatures mechanics, and it is torn asunder. Meanwhile the Subteraneans took Pepper. Iron Man surrenders and offers to help Mole Man. Pepper thinks he's betrayed his country. Iron Man waits for the Mole Man's pride to take over the digger still in its experimental stage. Mole Man activates an unstable digger, and it explodes while Iron Man swoops Pepper up and high tails it out of their. He lost the factory, but can afford to build a thousand others as they escape!
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available