TOS #94 "The Tragedy and the Triumph!"
Script: Stan Lee and Gene Colan
Art: Gene Colan and Dan Adkins and Sam Rosen
Titanium Man is being sent on a mission in Vietnam to destroy a peaceful village at night so the American bombers will be blamed. He is sent by Half-Face. Iron Man lays on the floor with his transistors depleted. They leave. Iron Man is left on the floor. He barely reaches a generator and uses his side pods and quick recharge cable. He splices into the generator and receives a quick burst that puts him at peak performance. Iron Man then focuses his repulsor rays into a laser point and burns a hole through the massive steel door. He is confronted with soldiers firing at his armor. The bullets bounce off as Iron Man jets into the sky. Meanwhile half a world away, a man gasses the guard and sneaks into Stark's factory. Titanium Man in the village sees Iron Man and uses his ocular disintegration beams and misses IM and slices through a tree. Iron Man saves a father and son and leads Titanium Man out of the village and toward the river's edge. Suddenly, Half-Face sees his wife and son. Titanium Man and Iron Man battle with Iron Man dodging the huge armored foe. He then flanks TM and focuses his repulsor rays into a fine laser and cracks the control center in the back. He takes wires that control the balance as TM slows. Titanium Man manages to knock Iron Man off but then loses his balance and falls. As Titanium Man begins to use his destructo beams, Half-Face shuts off the power to Titanium Man. He has his family back and wants to serve the side of justice and not oppressors. His wife sees his redemption and embraces him.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available