TOS #96 "The Deadly Victory!"
Script: Stan Lee and Gene Colan
Art: Gene Colan and Frank Giacoia and Sam Rosen
Iron Man is falling from a building as a stone statue from the Grey Gargoyle. Jasper Sitwell sees it and gets a sand dump truck and catches Iron Man to keep him from shattering on the street below. Gargoyle goes and steals the new Cobalt weapon that Stark created and sets off an alarm. As the stone wears off after an hour, Iron Man comes around. Iron Man catches up with the Grey Gargoyle and confronts him avoiding his touch and bringing down the ceiling. Jasper gets touched to stone to keep him safe as the ceiling comes down. Outside the Grey Gargoyle seeks Thor with his new weapon and disables the guards. Iron Man temporarily stops the Gargoyle with a tarp that is turned to stone. He runs into a wall freeing himself from the stone tarp. He attacks Iron Man with the Cobalt Weapon. Iron Man matches the frequency which backfires on the Gargoyle returning him to human flesh. This is too much for Tony's heart and Iron Man collapses.
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