(Oct., 1978) "Betrayal!"
Cover art: Unknown.
Script: Bill Mantlo.
Art: John Romita, Jr./Dan Green/Diane Albers/Don Warfield.
The Avengers deliver the Unicorn to Stark International. Iron Man's wrist computer synchronizes with the airlifts on the Unicorn's container. Iron Man uses a memory extractor.
the Unicorn was sent to defeat Iron Man but came away defeated time after time. His masters used a hyper-activator to increase the power of his horn and caused gradual cellular disruption.
When the Mandarin controlled transferred his mind to the Unicorn's, the cellular disruption stopped. When Mandarin left his body, then it continued to deteriorate, and he was left falling into the ocean after his sea based destroyed. He was out and frozen only to be picked up by what looks like the Titanium Man. He was told that the cure would come when he destroyed Iron Man. Equipped with a new horn and suit, he set out. Tony heads out to see Whitney Frost. He goes to the Penthouse but is attacked by the Ani-men (Ape Man, Frog Man, Bird Man, and Cat Man. Madame Masque attacks Tony. She brought her father to be restored in age.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!