IRON MAN vol. 3 #28 
(May, 2000) "My Own Worst Enemy."
Cover art: Quesada & Townsend.
Script: Joe Quesada.
Art: Sean Chen, Alitha Martinez/Rob Hunter, Rodney Ramos.
WHOA! It's true -- Jocasta informs Tony that his Iron Man is sentient! How? Well, it's when Tony downloaded Jocasta's program from Sunset Bain's computer through the armor, the lightning strike from Whiplash's whip, and....the ARMOR NOT BEING Y2K COMPLIANT??? Oh brother!! But don't let this ridiculous bit of info ruin a cool story! Neat tit-for-tat between the armor and Tony, and although you may say "HUH?" when Tony actually dons the living armor for a test run, you'll CRINGE at what Tony/The Living Armor does to Whiplash!
Hube's Recommendation: 1/2 repulsors!