IRON MAN vol. 3 #47 (392)
(Dec. 2001) "The Frankenstein Syndrome, part 2."
Cover art: No idea! Script: Frank Tieri.
Art: Keron Grant/Stull, Perotta & Ketcham.
Well, phooey on me! So it wasn't Prof. Yinsen in the Sentient Armor (more on that later)! Iron Man faces the combined armored might of the Sons of Yinsen and appears to be holding his own quite well -- he uses a new magnetic beam to attract the SoY and hold them at bay -- until the "Yinsen" Sentient Armor downs Shellhead! Elsewhere, the rogue SoY Sun Tao reveals what happened to him, and then has to battle the SoY himself! Jocasta comes back online to awaken the downed Stark, and then reveals to Tony why she fears the Sentient Armor so. IM prepares to go back to face the SoY, and even has a device that counters their cloaking effect (you may wonder how in the heck he did that -- I sure did!!)! Then Shellhead makes a horrifying discovery: the SoY are all covered in SKIN! It has been grafted to their own living tissue! As Stark realizes he has to make a hasty exit, he grabs Sun Tao, jets off....but then crumples to the ground in agony! The Sentient "Yinsen" Armor is controlling Stark's heart! Tony tells the villain that he now knows for sure that it is not Yinsen in the armor...and the villain agrees. He slowly reveals himself to be...ULTRON!
Tieri deals with a ridiculous premise (The Sons of Yinsen) in a competent manner, while Grant's [Iron Man and battle] art is fairly impressive. Don't question how in the heck Ultron got the IM'll be revealed next ish!
Hube's Recommendation: 3 1/2 repulsors!