IRON MAN vol. 3 #75 (420)
(Feb. 2004) "Technology" -- The Best Defense, part 3.
Cover art:Adi Granov.
Script: John Jackson Miller.
Art: Jorge Lucas.
The ish's first few pages begin with Stark and [apparently] a couple of US soldiers wandering through what looks to be the streets of Baghdad. They're suddenly set upon by a couple of attackers -- but at the drop of [Stark's] briefcase, Stark and the soldiers are "armored up" in Iron Man armor! The whole thing turns out to be an exhibition staged at Stark Enterprises to (sort of) demonstrate Tony's last issue promise of "No one need ever die in war again!" The remainder of the ish showcases various folks' views/comments on Stark's upcoming hearings on becoming Secretary of Defense, including the Avengers' and those of former IM baddie the Termite (who's in jail)! However, we also see a (rather small) gathering of people for an exhibition of technology by "GilberTech." Who heads this firm? None other than Simon Gilbert, father of Gary Gilbert -- aka Firebrand! But wait -- Simon was killed in an explosion way back in IM (vol. 1) #48! A chink in JJM's Iron Man historical knowledge? Maybe. (A cursory glance of the issue in question shows Simon Gilbert trapped under some wreckage, followed three panels later by an explosion! Gilbert mayhave squirmed free, but given the time frame between panels it is HIGHLY unlikely.)
With Gilbert is swarmy Sonny Burch, who is determined to get as many of Stark's inventions "out of the bottle" as possible before Tony finds a way to prevent it. The issue ends with Tony heading towards his initial hearing obviously hinting that "Maybe it's time for [him] to do something else"?? Meaning -- no more Iron Man? Once again, JJM rocks (despite the Gilbert glitch) as does Lucas. The Granov cover is spectacular. Yes, the first three JJM issues have lacked Iron Action, but who the hell cares? You KNOW you've been itching for a first-rate story for what seems like FOREVER, and now you've got one! Relish every moment, Iron Fan.
Hube's Recommendation: 4 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: I can't remember the last time I picked up a comic book that I went back and read 3 or 4 times within a few days after buying it. And I have to say that Lucas' armor is REALLY starting to grow on me. Have you noticed that the facemask has changed in every issue he's drawn? It seems to be getting closer and closer to the classic version as drawn by Layton, which makes me VERY happy. :-) Also have you noticed that overall the design of the armor seems to be a modern version of the classic? The shape of the epaulets on the boots and gloves, the "rings" on the shoulders, and even the two (for lack of a better term) nipples? :-) It's still a bit busy, but now it's starting to work for me. -- Vic(website)