IRON MAN vol. 3 #77 (422)
(April 2004) "Unsuited" -- The Best Defense, part 5.
Cover art: Adi Granov.
Script: John Jackson Miller.
Art: Jorge Lucas.
Swarmy Sonny Burch is frantic to get those previously-mentioned Iron Man armors off for mass production! Meanwhile, debate begins in the Senate over Tony Stark's nomination. (His "rejection" last issue was by the Defense Subcommittee, but if they refused to recommend him to the full Senate, why is the Senate then debating his nomination?) Then, problems pop up en masse -- that unmanned drone that went awry last issue (a "Kestrel") reactivates and homes in on the huge cargo jet that is carrying the Burch Iron Man armors! The two aircraft collide, and the immense cargo plane descends on Washington D.C.! But there's more! A missile defense system deployed around the nation's capital is also based on IM technology, but has proved incompatible with other systems -- known by Burch, but again, hurried into production. This system activates -- and its missiles are zeroed in on the IM armor-carrying cargo craft!!
Noteworthy: Faced with these massive errors in judgment, Sonny Burch puts a gun to his head...and pulls the trigger! Rumiko (remember her?) is a passenger on a nearby jet and phones Tony to inform him of the cargo jet's situation! As a result, Stark summons his IM armor, and jets off into action! FINALLY! Continuity buffs will appreciate dead Abe Zimmer's brother testifying against Stark, invoking the names of also-dead Stark comrades Morley Erwin and Kevin O'Brien. JJM probably took one issue too long to get us into some Iron action, but overall it doesn't take too much away from the prevailing tone of the arc. Lucas has no inking help here, but it's crisp and clean, thus enjoyable.
Hube's Recommendation: 3 repulsors!
IFan Reaction: I am happy that the title has picked up in terms of quality of story. My complaint: WHERE'S IRON MAN? He's been on the cover but hardly makes a few panels inside. What is it with comics today that writers seem ashamed to have the title hero put on tights and fight a super-villain??? I like the idea that Tony is taking control of the armour technology, becoming Secretary of Defense, OK I'll buy that. After all, he just needs to say "Hey Prez, last guy you gave this job to was the freakin' Red Skull, I'm pretty sure I can top that". However, I hope this isn't going to turn into West Wing the Comic Book or the Incredible Hulk (how often does he appear in the comic anyway?). I live in hope. If Grell's "reveal my ID to the world" shocker could be erased I'd be happy. Where'd I put that Cosmic Cube, hmmmm? --