IRON MAN vol. 3 #85 (430) Correct numbering
(Aug. 2004) "Uninvited Guests -- Turf War part 2."
Cover art: Steve Epting.
Script: John Jackson Miller.
Art: Jorge Lucas.
Iron Man and the Avengers take on Arsenal "Alpha" to prevent it from carrying out its directive -- trashing all of NYC's infrastructure in the wake of World War 3! In Washington D.C., they're justifiably worried that the public will discover the purpose of Arsenal, and are working feverishly to get back in contact with Shellhead over the Avengers' jamming signal. The action is first-rate and Lucas' version of the Avengers is as well! Warbird shows up to assist (as part of her new gig with the Dept. of Homeland Security), and soon after a minion from her team pops up with a fax that has the key to Arsenal's defeat! The solution is simple: Trash the Avengers' radio jamming device! The device prevented the signal from the Institute of Standards Time Clock from reaching Arsenal, thus the robot "thought" that World War 3 had started! At issue's end, Gyrich lectures Stark on his conflicting responsibilities, and gets in a few "digs" in the process.
This is JJM's final issue, which, again, is a shame in my book. Lucas' art will be missed as well. Farewell guys! Thanks for the ride. (Oh, and looks like they fixed the issue numbering problem at last.)
Hube's Recommendation: 3 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: This is J.J. Miller and Jorge Lucas' last Iron Man? Those guys are one of the best Iron Man teams in years. I hope the new guys are just as good. --