Iron Man Vol 3 #89 (434)
(Dec. 2004) "The Singularity, part 4."
Cover art: Pat Lee.
Script: Mark Ricketts.
Art: Scott Kolins.
...Clarence Ward, the shady arms dealer from two issues ago! Pepper, meanwhile, reveals to Hap that "everything created by Stark has a fail-safe program," and she attempts to use it -- to shut down Ward's armor. She's successful -- but not before a suddenly revitalized Stark grabs Ward's wrists and sends a massive wave of electricity through his armor, fusing it! (The panel where this happens is very reminiscent of the scene where Tyros the Terrible -- aka Terrax the Tamer -- zaps Doc Doom's armor, immobilizing it, way back in 1980s John Byrne FF issues.) With Ward defeated, and all IM armor deactivated (including those worn by a crack government team that had arrived on the scene to stop both battling Iron Men if necessary), Stark orders everyone off his property. But the commander of the gov. armored team remains -- to shoot Ward dead!
Stark later holds a press conference doing several things: 1) he resigns as Secretary of Defense; 2) he resigns from active Avengers membership, and 3) he dedicates himself to the concentration of all his efforts to scientific research. Oh yeah, he also attended Rumiko's funeral. And did I forget to mention that the Mandarin (Temugin) appears at issue's end?
Hube's Recommendation: 2 1/2 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: This is proberly the first time I felt sorry for a comic book villain when Clarence Ward was killed by that Army General. I'm glad that Marvel is dumping that concept of Tony publicly saying that he's Iron Man. I thought bringing in the Mandarin's son at the end was brilliant seeing him wear those power rings make me wish for a proper fight between him and Iron Man hopefully soon in the new series. -- Fast Mike