Featuring the following heroine!


Real name: Allison Blaire

First appearance: Uncanny X-Men 130

Favorite quote: "Can't believe that guys like the Torch actually get off on this hero game! Root canal is far less taxing -- and twice as enjoyable!" (Dazzler 4. Early in her career, Allison muses on the attraction mindless violence has for some of her friends whilst moping the floor with 20 or so armed hooligans).

Team affiliation: At first rejecting the idea of super-heroing (and law school) in favor of her singing career, Allison gave up her shot at the bright lights for a stint with the X-Men. She met and eventually married Longshot, also a member of the mutant super-team, and currently resides with The Lucky One in the Mojoverse, where the two lead a never-ending rebellion against Mojo. She may or may not be the mother of X-Force's Shatterstar (a recent "origin of Shatterstar" arc answered no questions but suggested Spiral might be his real mom). Her lack of interest in her once all-consuming ambition to be a singer is a real loss for the world of entertainment, seeing as she once took the Enchantress on in a singing contest judged by mortal men...and won!

Powers: Dazzler is a mutant who, as a living transducer, can convert 
sound into various types of radiant energy (that means she shoots light 
bolts from her fingertips). She prefers to use music 
because of its regular rhythm, but can also use raw sounds like 
approaching subway trains or Black Bolt's scream. She can refine light 
into laser blasts, or contort it into realistic illusions. For a time, she even 
possessed the Power Cosmic, but willingly discharged it into space 
rather than be so powerful.

Favorite storyline: The first 10 or so issues of Dazzler's series were a 
hoot. The lady who didn't want to be a heroine ended up taking on the 
likes of Dr. Doom, the Enforcers, Nightmare, the Hulk, the Enchantress, 
Terrax and even -- ulp! -- Galactus. All were told with a kind of slang-laden 
gee-whiz style that didn't take itself too seriously.

Least favorite storyline: Poor Dazz has been in some losers. Her series wandered so far off track that the final cover was blazoned with: "Because you demanded it--the last issue of Dazzler!" Her time with the X-Men was essentially to remind people that she existed while the Powers That Be at Marvel decided what to do with her. Her graphic novel was a bust, as was her mini-series co-starring the Beast. Eventually exiled to the Mojo-verse, Allison is currently in comic-book limbo.