Featuring the following heroine!

Real name: Mariko Yashida
AKA: Lady Mariko Yashida

First appearance: Uncanny X-Men 118

Died in: Wolverine 57

Favorite quote: "That is a name?" (Uncanny X-Men 118; Mariko is unimpressed when a short Canadian with claws introduces himself by his codename.)

Team affiliation: A long time friend and supporter of the X-Men, Mariko became engaged to one of their members, Wolverine. After her father's death, Mariko took over leadership of Clan Yashida, one of hundreds of criminal ninja cadres that Wolverine can't seem to avoid. She was determined to divest her family holdings of its underworld ties, a resolve opposed by her dangerous half-brother, the Silver Samurai. She was very close to succeeding when she was poisoned by order of a rival crime lord with blowfish toxin.

Abilities: Obviously Mariko possessed the power to soothe the savage breast!
Favorite storyline: Uncanny X-Men 118-119; an unarmed, non-super-powered Mariko rushes into danger's path to try and save her cousin Shiro, AKA Sunfire.

Least favorite storyline: Mariko was an interesting, unique character ruined by indifference and ineptitude. Originally presented as a passive yet strong-willed woman completely submersed in the feudal traditions of her native Japan, she was forced through an abusive marriage, Mastermind's mind-control, abrupt modernization when she took over her clan's business dealings, and finally met her end at her fiancee's claws when the twists and turns of her character became just too much of a challenge for The Powers That Be at Marvel. One of the lamest, most cliched deaths on record, and the 90s most flagrant example of Gwen Stacy syndrome.